
Distrobird Review 2024: All-in-One Sales Tool?

by | Last updated Oct 7, 2024


Were you overwhelmed by juggling separate tools for email, calls, and customer management?

Distrobird offers a streamlined solution, combining these essential functions into a single platform.

But does this all-in-one approach truly deliver?

This Distrobird review explores its features, pricing, and user experience to help you determine if it’s the right fit for your business needs in 2024.

Distrobird logo

Distrobird helped businesses increase sales by an average of 15%. Want to see similar results? 20% off your first month. Don’t miss out!

What is Distrobird?

Distrobird is like a Swiss Army knife for your sales team.

It’s a single platform that combines all the tools you need to oversee the entire sales process from start to finish.

Instead of juggling different apps for email, calls, and customer information, Distrobird brings everything together in one easy-to-use place.  

Distrobird aims to help you double your sales output by streamlining your workflow and giving your team the tools they need to succeed.

Distrobird homepage

Who Created Distrobird?

Edwin Elodimuor and Taiwo Oyeniyi founded Distrobird.

Their vision? To simplify the lives of salespeople everywhere.

They saw how sales organizations needed help with juggling multiple tools for contact management, communication, and tracking. So, they built Distrobird to bring everything together in one platform.

If you’re having trouble viewing this site properly, You have to wait a few seconds for the page to load completely.

Distrobird is constantly evolving, adding new features and integrations to help sales teams work smarter, not harder.

Top Benefits of Distrobird

Distrobird offers several key advantages for sales teams:

  • Increased Sales Output: By streamlining your workflow and automating tasks, Distrobird helps you close more deals and boost your sales output. No more wasting time switching between various tools!
  • Centralized Platform: Distrobird replaces various tools with a single, unified platform. This means all the tools you need are in one place, making it easier to manage your sales process and stay organized.
  • Improved Communication: Distrobird provides a built-in cloud call center, email marketing tools, and SMS capabilities, allowing for seamless communication with potential customers.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Distrobird makes it easy for sales teams to work together, share information, and track progress. This leads to better coordination and more efficient sales cycles.
  • Automation: Automate repetitive tasks like sending follow-up emails & scheduling calls, freeing up your team to focus on building relationships and closing deals.
  • Detailed Analytics: Track key metrics and gain valuable insights into your sales performance. Identify what’s working and what’s not to optimize your strategies.
  • Cost-Effective: By consolidating multiple tools into one, Distrobird can help you save money on software subscriptions.
top benefits of Distrobird

Best Features of Distrobird

Distrobird stands out from the crowd with its unique blend of features designed to streamline your sales process and boost revenue.

It’s not just another CRM; it’s an all-in-one platform that empowers your team to connect with leads, nurture relationships, and close deals more effectively.

Let’s explore some of its standout features:

1. Campaigns & Sequences

Say goodbye to manual outreach!

Distrobird’s campaign and sequence features let you automate your communication with potential customers.

Create personalized email sequences, set up automated follow-ups, and nurture leads with targeted messaging.

This ensures no possibility slips through the cracks & allows your team to focus on high-value interactions.

Distrobird campaigns and sequences
Distrobird campaigns and sequences

2. SMS-P2P Campaigns

Reach your audience instantly with personalized SMS campaigns.

Distrobird enables you to send targeted text messages to individual leads or groups, making it perfect for time-sensitive promotions, reminders, and quick updates.

Distrobird sms p2p campaigns

3. Virtual Call Management

Distrobird’s built-in cloud call center makes it easy to manage all your sales calls within the platform.

Features like call recording, voicemail transcription, and click-to-call functionality enhance efficiency and provide valuable insights into customer interactions.

Distrobird virtual call management

4. Shared Inbox

Collaborate seamlessly with your team using Distrobird’s shared inbox.

Manage all your sales-related emails in one central location, assign conversations to team members and track responses.

This ensures that customer inquiry is answered and promotes transparency across your unlimited teams.

Distrobird Shared Inbox

5. Templates

Save time and maintain consistency with pre-built email and SMS templates.

Distrobird offers a library of customizable templates for various scenarios, from initial outreach to follow-up messages.

You can also create your templates to ensure your communication aligns with your brand voice.

Distrobird Templates


Distrobird offers a tiered pricing structure to cater to businesses of different sizes and needs. Here’s a breakdown of their plans:

PlanPrice (per user/month)Features
Free$0Max of 3 users, Unlimited teammates/reps, 4-step limit per sequence
Startup$25Max unlimited users, Unlimited teammates/reps, 7-step limit per sequence
Growth$50Min of 3 users, Unlimited teammates/reps, no step limit per sequence
Enterprise$75Min of 3 users, Unlimited teammates/reps, VIP phone support
Distrobird pricing

Pros and Cons

Every tool has its strengths and weaknesses.

To help you make an informed decision, let’s take a look at the key pros and cons of Distrobird.

  • All-in-one solution.
  • Boosts team efficiency.
  • Easy to use interface.
  • Excellent customer support.
  • Affordable pricing plans.
  • They limited third-party integrations.
  • Reporting could be more robust.
  • The mobile app is still under development.
  • Occasional minor bugs.

Alternatives of Distrobird

While Distrobird is a strong contender in the sales automation space, there are other options.

Here are a few alternatives worth considering:

  • ActiveCampaign: Known for its powerful automation features and email marketing capabilities, ActiveCampaign is a popular choice for businesses of all sizes. It offers a wide range of integrations & advanced reporting.
  • HubSpot Sales Hub: A comprehensive sales platform from the marketing automation giant, HubSpot Sales Hub offers CRM, email marketing, sales automation, and analytics tools. It’s a good option for businesses already using HubSpot’s marketing tools.
  • Salesforce Sales Cloud: A leading CRM solution for enterprise businesses, Salesforce offers a robust suite of features for managing sales, service, and marketing. It’s highly customizable but can be complex to implement and manage.
  • Pipedrive: This user-friendly CRM focuses on pipeline management and visual sales workflows. It’s a good choice for small to medium-sized businesses looking for a straightforward solution.

The best option for your business will depend on your specific needs, budget, and team size.

It’s worth exploring different options and comparing features before making a decision.

Personal Experience with Distrobird

My team recently implemented Distrobird to streamline our sales process and improve communication.

We were initially drawn to its all-in-one approach, and after a few months of use, we’re happy to report that it has lived up to expectations.

Here’s how Distrobird helped us achieve our goals:

  • Increased Efficiency: By consolidating our sales tools into a single platform, we eliminated the need to switch between different applications constantly. This saved our team valuable time and reduced frustration.
  • Improved Communication: Distrobird’s built-in communication features, including email, SMS, and calling, made it easier for us to connect with leads and nurture relationships.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: The shared inbox and task management features promoted teamwork and ensured that no customer inquiry went unanswered.
  • Boosted Sales: With Distrobird’s automation features, we were able to streamline our outreach and follow-up processes, leading to a noticeable increase in closed deals.
  • Campaigns & Sequences: Automated email sequences saved us time and ensured consistent follow-up with leads.
  • SMS-P2P Campaigns: Targeted text messages allowed us to reach out to leads quickly and efficiently.
  • Virtual Call Management: The integrated call center streamlined our communication and provided valuable insights into customer interactions.
  • Shared Inbox: Improved team collaboration and ensured no customer inquiry was missed.
  • Templates: Pre-built and customizable templates saved time and ensured consistent messaging.
Using Distrobird

Overall, Distrobird has been a valuable asset to our sales team, helping us to work smarter, not harder.

We highly recommend it to any business looking to improve their sales process and boost revenue.

Final Thoughts

Distrobird offers a compelling solution for businesses seeking to streamline their sales process & boost efficiency.

Its all-in-one platform combines essential tools, such as a CRM, email marketing, SMS campaigns, and a cloud call center, into a user-friendly interface.

While it may have some limitations regarding third-party integrations and reporting capabilities, its strengths lie in its ease of use, affordability, and focus on core sales functionalities.

If you’re looking to consolidate your sales tools, improve communication, and automate tasks, Distrobird is definitely worth considering.

Ready to take your sales to the next level? Start your free Distrobird trial today and experience the difference!

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of support does Distrobird offer?

Distrobird provides email support and a comprehensive knowledge base with articles and tutorials. For users on paid plans, live chat support is also available during business hours.

Can I integrate Distrobird with other tools?

While Distrobird offers a robust all-in-one solution, it does have limited third-party integrations compared to some competitors. However, they are actively working to expand their integration options.

Is there a mobile app for Distrobird?

Distrobird is currently developing a mobile app to provide on-the-go access. In the meantime, the platform is fully responsive & can be accessed from any mobile browser.

What does “verification successful waiting” mean in the sales pipeline?

This status indicates that a lead’s contact information (like their email address) has been verified, and the sales team is now waiting to take the next step, such as sending a follow-up email or making a call.

Can I track leads from my website with Distrobird?

Yes, Distrobird offers form tracking capabilities. You can embed forms on your website to capture leads & automatically add them to your Distrobird CRM. This streamlines your lead generation process and ensures prompt follow-up. If you’re still having trouble viewing this site properly, check your internet connection or refresh the page. If the issue persists, contact support and provide your ray ID for assistance. Distrobird is a valuable tool for any sales organization looking to improve efficiency and boost revenue.