
Glide Apps Review 2024: The No-Code Powerhouse

by | Last updated Sep 8, 2024

Glide Apps

Are you tired of complex coding and expensive development cycles?

Glide might be your answer.

This no-code platform empowers you to build powerful, custom apps without writing any kind of code.

But is it the right fit for you?

In this comprehensive 2024 review, we’ll dive deep into Glide Apps.

We’ll look at its capabilities, limitations, and real-world use cases, helping you decide if it’s the no-code powerhouse you’ve been seeking.

Glide Apps
Glide Apps

Ready to unlock your app-building potential? Over a million users have embraced Glide Apps. Join the no-code revolution today.

What is Glide Apps?

Think of Glide as a digital toolbox that lets you build your apps without any fancy coding skills.

You can create all sorts of apps, from simple expense trackers to complex project management tools, using just a spreadsheet.

Glide also lets you add exciting features to your apps, like video messages, live video viewing, and video chat.

Plus, Glide apps work seamlessly on any device as a progressive web app.

So, if you’ve ever dreamt of creating your app but felt intimidated by coding, Glide is here to make your dreams a reality.

Glide Apps

Who Created Glide Apps?

Glide was dreamt up by a guy named David Siegel.

He used to work at Microsoft and even helped start a company called Xamarin.

David wanted to make app development easy for everyone, not just tech whizzes. He wanted to create no-code tools that could turn anyone’s app idea into reality.

And that’s how Glide was born!

It started as a way to build apps from spreadsheets, and now it’s a full-fledged platform with features like video messaging and much more.

The vision behind the Glide app is to empower anyone to build apps without the need for coding skills.

Top benefits of Glide Apps

Glide Apps
  • No-Code Development: Build a powerful app without writing a single line of code.
  • Visual Interface: Drag and drop components to create beautiful and user-friendly interfaces.
  • Google Sheets Integration: Use your existing data in Google Sheets to power your app.
  • Real-time Updates: Changes made to your app’s data or Google Sheet are reflected instantly in your app.
  • Collaboration: Multiple users can simply work on the same app simultaneously.
  • Multimedia Support: Embed images, videos, and even live videos in your app.
  • QR Code Sharing: Easily share your app with others using a QR code.
  • Customizable Templates: Choose from many templates to jumpstart your app development.
  • Streamlined Business Processes: Automate workflows and improve business processes with custom apps.
  • No End-User License Agreement: Your users can access your app without any additional agreements.

Best Features of Glide Apps

Glide Apps shines with a collection of features designed to make app creation not only possible but enjoyable.

Let’s delve deeper into some of its standout features:

Drag-and-Drop Interface

Glide’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface revolutionizes the app-building process. No coding experience?

No problem! Drag and drop components onto your app’s canvas to design its layout and functionality.

This visual approach empowers both beginners and experienced developers to create apps quickly and efficiently.

Glide Apps


Glide seamlessly integrates with so many apps, transforming your spreadsheets into powerful app backends.

This means your existing data can easily be used to populate and power your apps, eliminating the need for complex data migration or manual entry.

Any changes made to your Google Sheets are instantly reflected in your app, ensuring data consistency and real-time updates.

Glide Apps

Rich Media Support

Gone are the days of text-only apps!

Glide enables you to enrich your apps with a variety of media, including videos & images, & it can even watch live videos.

This multimedia integration not only enhances the user experience but also expands the possibilities for creating engaging and interactive apps.

Glide Apps

Conditional Logic and Actions

Glide’s conditional logic and actions feature brings your apps to life.

Set conditions based on user input or data changes, triggering specific actions within your app.

This empowers you to create dynamic & personalized experiences, tailoring your app’s behavior to individual users or scenarios.

Glide Apps

Templates and Components

Glide’s extensive library of pre-built templates and components provides a great foundation for your app development.

Whether you’re building a directory, an event app, or a project tracker, you can leverage these ready-made elements to accelerate your development process and focus on customization and innovation.

Glide Apps


Glide Apps offers a range of pricing plans designed to cater to various needs and budgets. Here’s a breakdown of their current pricing structure as of August 2024:

Plan NameMonthly PriceKey Features
Free$01 user, community support
Team$12520 users, 5000 updates, priority support
Business$31040 users, 10,000 updates, priority support
Enterprise$750Custom users, unlimited apps, premium support & features
Glide Apps

Pros and Cons

It’s important to understand both the good and not-so-good about any tool. Here’s a simplified look at Glide Apps:


  • Easy to use – no coding needed
  • Simple drag-and-drop interface
  • Works with your Google Sheets data
  • Updates happen instantly
  • Can create many different types of apps


  • It takes some time to learn everything.
  • Customization can be limited.
  • Can get pricey
  • It doesn’t work well offline.
  • Depends on Google Sheets

Alternatives of Glide Apps

While Glide is a powerful tool, it’s not the only no-code platform out there. Here are some notable alternatives worth considering:

  • Adalo: Offers a similar drag-and-drop interface with a focus on creating beautiful and user-friendly apps.
  • Bubble: A more flexible platform that allows for more complex app logic and workflows but can have a steeper learning curve.
  • AppSheet: Google’s no-code platform is tightly integrated with Google Workspace, which is ideal for businesses already heavily invested in the Google ecosystem.
  • Thunkable: Cross-platform development for both mobile and web apps, offering a wider reach for your creations.
  • Webflow: Primarily focused on website development, but also offers capabilities for building basic web apps.

Remember, the best platform for you depends totally on your specific needs, budget, and technical proficiency.

It’s worth exploring a few options to find the one that best aligns with your goals and vision.

Personal Experience with Glide Apps

My team recently embarked on a project to streamline our internal communication and project management processes.

We were seeking a solution that could empower us to build a custom app without the need for extensive coding or development resources.

After exploring various options, we decided to give Glide Apps a try.

Glide Apps

Features and Benefits that Impressed Us:

  • Intuitive Interface: The drag-and-drop interface made it incredibly easy for even our non-technical team members to contribute to the app’s design and development.
  • Google Sheets Integration: We already used Google Sheets extensively for data management, so the seamless integration with Glide allowed us to leverage our existing data and workflows.
  • Real-time Updates: The real-time synchronization between our Google Sheets and the Glide app ensured that everyone on the team had access to the most up to date information.
  • Customization: We were able to tailor the app’s look and feel to match our brand and create a user experience that resonated with our team.
  • Collaboration: Glide’s collaborative features enabled multiple team members to work on the app simultaneously, accelerating the development process.


Within a matter of days, we had a fully functional app that centralized our project information, streamlined communication, and automated several routine tasks.

The impact on our team’s productivity and efficiency was remarkable.

Glide Apps proved to be an invaluable tool for empowering our team to build a custom solution without the need for coding expertise.

It’s a testament to the power of no-code development and its potential to democratize app creation.

Final Thoughts

So, is Glide Apps right for you?

If you’re looking for an easy, no-code way to build apps, Glide is worth a shot.

It’s great for beginners and anyone who wants to create apps without coding.

But, if you need super complex features or want complete control, it might not be the best fit.

Remember, the best way to know if Glide is right for you is to try it out yourself.

Sign up for the free trial and see if it clicks! Happy app building!

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of apps can I easily build with Glide Apps?

You can build many kinds of apps with Glide, from simple personal apps like to-do lists and expense trackers to more complex business apps like inventory management systems & customer relationship management tools.

Is Glide Apps really no code?

Yes, Glide is truly no-code. You build your apps using a visual drag-and-drop interface and by connecting to your data in Google Sheets. No coding knowledge is required.

How much does Glide Apps cost?

Glide offers a free plan with limited features & paid plans starting at $32 per month. The pricing depends on the features you need and the amount of data you’ll be storing in your apps.

Can I use my data with Glide Apps?

Absolutely! Glide integrates seamlessly with Google Sheets, allowing you to use your existing data to power your apps. You can also connect to other data sources using third-party integrations.

Can I publish my Glide app to the app stores?

While Glide apps are technically progressive web apps that can be accessed on any kind of device, they cannot be directly published to the app stores. However, you can create a custom domain and add your app to your device’s home screen for easy access.