
How to use Instantly AI: Personalization & Automation in 2024

by | Last updated Oct 7, 2024

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M: Learn how to use Instantly AI to personalize your emails and automate your outreach. Boost your reply rates and save time!

Want to send emails that feel like they were written just for the person reading them?

Personalization makes a huge difference in getting people actually to open and respond.

Instantly, AI is like having a super-smart assistant that helps you do exactly that without spending hours on each email.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to use Instantly AI to make your emails stand out and get results.

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Instantly AI

Instantly AI finds customers and writes emails for you. Get more replies and avoid spam. Boost your sales today!

Getting Started with Instantly AI

Okay, let’s get you set up with Instantly AI! It’s super easy to get started.

1. Creating Your Account

  • Head over to the Instantly AI website. You’ll see a big button that says “Sign Up” or “Get Started.” Click it!
  • They’ll ask for some basic info, like your name and email address. You’ll also need to create a password. Make sure it’s a strong one that you will remember!
  • Instantly, AI might have a free trial, so you can test things out before deciding on a plan. They have different options depending on how many email accounts you need. You can even get unlimited email accounts if you send a lot of emails!
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2. Connecting Your Email

  • Once you’re in, Instantly AI needs to connect to your email accounts so it can send emails for you. They’ll usually have a button that says “Connect Email” or “Add Email.
  • Choose your email provider (like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.). You might need to enter your email address and password again to give Instantly AI permission. Don’t worry; they keep your info safe!

3. Setting Up Your Profile

  • Now it’s time to tell people who you are! Instantly, AI will ask you for your name and the name of your company (if you have one). This is what people will see when they get your email.
  • You can also add a profile picture. It’s like your ID photo for your emails, so make sure it looks professional!

Harnessing the Power of Personalization

Think about it like this: would you rather get a birthday card that says “Happy Birthday” or one that mentions your name and something you like?

The second one feels way more special, right? That’s personalization!

Here’s how Instantly AI helps you make your cold emails awesome:

1. AI-Powered Writing:

Imagine having a robot friend who’s amazing at writing!

Instantly AI’s AI is like that. It can help you write emails that sound natural and interesting.

You can even tell it to write in different styles. Want your email to sound super friendly? Or maybe a bit more formal? Instantly, AI can do it!

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2. Dynamic Variables

This sounds complicated, but it’s actually really simple. Dynamic variables are like fill-in-the-blanks for your emails.

You can put someone’s name, their company, or even something specific about their work right into your email.

Instantly, AI knows how to swap these out for each person, so every email feels personal.

3. Custom Fields

Let’s say you want to remember something special about each person you email, like their favorite hobby or a problem they’re having.

You can create “custom fields” in Instantly AI to store this info. Then, you can use it to make your emails even more personal.

Here’s how to make your emails really shine:

  • Subject Line Personalization: The subject line is like the title of your email. It’s the first thing people see, so make it count! Try using the person’s name or mentioning something relevant to their work in the subject lines.
  • Body Content Personalization: Don’t just use their name at the beginning! Talk about things you know they’re interested in. Did they recently achieve something cool? Mention it! Do they have a specific problem you can help with? Talk about that!
  • Call to Action Personalization: At the end of your email, you want people to do something, like visit your website or schedule a call. Make this personal, too! For example, instead of saying, “Learn more,” you could say “Learn more about [something they’re interested in].”

By using these tricks, you can turn boring, cold emails into friendly, personalized messages that people will actually want to read!

Plus, Instantly AI has a warm-up feature that helps your emails avoid the spam folder so that more people will see them.

Automating Your Cold Outreach with Instantly AI

Okay, now let’s talk about automation! Imagine writing a bunch of emails at once and having them sent out automatically at the best times.

That’s what Instantly AI’s automation features can do for you! It’s like having your own personal email-sending robot.

1. Sequences

Think of a sequence like a series of emails that get sent out one after another.

You can plan out your entire conversation ahead of time.

For example, you might send a first email introducing yourself, then a few days later send another email with some helpful information, and then a final email to see if they’re interested in learning more.

Instantly, AI makes it easy to set up these sequences and choose when each email gets sent.

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2. Warm-up

Remember how we talked about avoiding the spam folder?

Instantly AI’s warm-up feature is like training your email account to be a good sender.

It slowly increases the number of emails you send over time, so email providers like Gmail trust you more.

This way, your emails are more likely to land in people’s inboxes.

3. A/B Testing

Which subject line works better? Or do people prefer a funny email or a serious one?

A/B testing gives you try different versions of your emails to see which one gets the best results. You can test their different subject lines, email content, & even your call to action.

Instantly, AI will show you which version performs better so you can keep improving your emails.

Here’s how to make the most of automation:

  • Segmentation: This means dividing your audience into smaller groups based on things they have in common. For example, you could group people by their job titles or industry. This way, you can send much more relevant emails that they’ll actually care about.
  • Lead Scoring: Not all the leads are created equal! Some people might be more interested in your product or service than others. Lead scoring helps you figure out who your most valuable leads are so you can focus your energy on them.
  • Campaign Tracking: Instantly, AI lets you see how your cold email campaigns are doing. You can see how many people opened your emails, clicked on links, & replied to you. This helps you understand what’s working and what’s not so you can keep getting better.
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Advanced Strategies with Instantly AI

You’re doing great! Now that you’ve mastered the basics let’s explore some of the cool things Instantly AI can do.

1. Integrations

Instantly, AI can be friends with other tools you might be using!

Think of it like this: you can connect Instantly AI to your CRM (that’s where you keep track of all your contacts) and other apps.

This makes it super easy to keep everything organized and share information between different tools.

For example, you can connect Instantly AI to LinkedIn to easily find people’s information and add them to your email list.

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2. Using Instantly AI for Different Jobs:

Instantly, AI isn’t just for sales teams! Lots of different people can use it:

  • Sales: If you’re trying to sell something, Instantly AI can help you find new customers and close deals faster.
  • Marketing: You can use Instantly AI to send out newsletters, promote special offers, and keep people interested in your company.
  • Recruiting: Need to find awesome people to join your team? Instantly, AI can help you reach out to potential candidates and keep track of your conversations.

3. Staying Out of the Spam Folder:

We’ve talked about this a bit already, but it’s super important!

You want your emails to reach people’s inboxes, not get lost in the spam folder. Here are some tips:

  • Don’t use ALL CAPS or lots of exclamation points!!! It makes your emails look like spam.
  • Avoid using spammy words like “free money” or “guaranteed results.”
  • Make sure people have a way to unsubscribe from your emails if they want to.
  • Use Instantly AI’s warm-up feature to build a good sender reputation.


You’ve learned so much about Instantly AI! You now know how important personalization is and how Instantly AI can automate your outreach, saving you time while making each email feel special.

Remember to track your campaigns instantly so you can improve them over time.

Avoid the spam folder by using best practices and Instantly AI’s tools.

Now it’s your turn! Create your Instantly account and start sending personalized emails.

Always double-check those contact details and use custom-tracking domains to look professional.

Sending follow-up emails is key to getting more responses. Instantly, AI makes it easy to manage leads and see better results. Go make it happen!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Instantly AI cost?

Instantly, AI offers a variety of pricing plans to fit different needs and budgets. They have a free trial so that you can test it out. Paying plans start at around $39 per month. You can choose a plan based on how many email accounts you need and the features you want.

Can I use Instantly AI with any email provider?

Yes, Instantly, AI integrates with most major email providers like Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo. You can now connect your existing email account to Instantly AI and start sending personalized emails right away.

Is Instantly AI safe to use?

Absolutely! Instantly, AI takes security seriously and uses industry-standard measures to protect your data. They won’t share your information with anyone, and your email account credentials are encrypted and stored securely.

How do I make sure my emails don’t go to spam?

Instantly, AI has several features to help you avoid the spam folder, including a warm-up feature that gradually increases your sending volume and helps build your sender reputation. They also provide best practices and tips to keep your emails looking professional and avoid spam triggers.

What if I need help with Instantly AI?

Instantly, AI has a great support team ready to assist you. They offer helpful resources like tutorials, a knowledge base, and live chat support. You can also reach out to their support team via email if you have any questions or need help with the platform.